Hitting the bullseye with Dart


This year’s Google I/O introduced to me the Flutter SDK – Google’s mobile app SDK for creating iOS and Android Apps with one language – Dart. With Flutter’s Release Preview being announced I’ve started learning Dart in order to use Flutter and I’ve found it very easy to pick up.  I’ll cover an introduction to Dart in this article. Continue reading

Refactoring Storyboards With Storyboard References


A common question facing an iOS team when starting a new App is whether to use Storyboards or not. As a professional iOS developer I don’t think this is an either / or question – you need to know both how to programmatically define and use UIViews (including Auto Layout) and how to effectively use Storyboards in a team environment.

At WWDC 2015 with Xcode 7 Apple introduced Storyboard References and the ability to Refactor your large storyboards into more manageable Storyboards from within Interface Builder to avoid the Storyboard merge conflicts. Continue reading